Saturday, December 28, 2019
5 Science-Backed Tips for a More Successful Career
5 Science-Backed Tips for a More Successful Career5 Science-Backed Tips for a More Successful Career If you want to succeed in the workplace , it is important to realize that it takes mora than just grit and sheer effort.Theres a limit to how much effort you can put in, and even when you put that effort in, theres a right and wrong way to go about it. Its much easier, however, to work on your mindset some simple mindset changes can set you up for both immediate and long-term career success.Read on to learn five simple research-backed mindset changes that will position you for a mora successful career.You might not think theres a connection between posture, how you carry your body, and success - however, tons of research has shown that posture can indeed influence success. Research shows that taller men and women have an advantaged over their shorter counterparts , with studies establishing that taller people earn more, and are viewed as smarter, more confident and more leader-like. Even more, the majority of Fortune 500 CEOs are taller than average. Of course, you cant suddenly get taller, but having proper posture can make you appear taller - according to some sources , poor posture can rob you of up to two inches in height.You can also take this to the next level by doing what Dr. Amy Cuddy calls power posing. According to Cuddy , doing expansive poses (such as leaning back in your chair) can make you appear more powerful while also boosting your confidence levels - this in turn positively impacts your career prospects.As cliche as it sounds, theres so much in our power that we relinquish control of. The simple mindset change of being active and realizing that you are in full control of your career choices - and what happens as a result of these choices - instead of being passive can make a whole lot of difference. The science of neuroplasticity has established that our brains can be trained to be really good at things we thought we werent naturally gifted at.This was demonstrated in an experiment by Stanford University prof Dr. Carol Dweck. The experiment involved a group of seventh graders in a large New York City school. The students were split into two groups both groups received skill training, but one of the groups received a growth mindset training, in which they were trained to realize that they could control their performance in subjects they werent gifted at. The result was amazing. The group without the mindset training made no progress and even suffered deteriorating performance despite an increase in skill training. The group with the growth mindset training, on the other hand, saw their scores soar. Once the failing group was introduced to mindset training, their scores went up as well. This was repeated on a larger scale with similar success.According to Michael Corkery, CEO of Pool Guard USA , Instead of resigning yourself to fate, realize how much your actions can actually influence your ca reer Start to take more active control by intentionally networking, attending conferences and building uprelevant skills to position you for career success. Dont wait for things to happen to you be proactive.Another mindset change guaranteed to make you more successful in your career is positive thinking. Being more productive will undoubtedly make you more successful career-wise, but it should be no surprise that researchers have found a link between having a negative mindset and being unproductive at work. If youre usually negative, you will be highly unproductive. Some tweaks for fostering positive thinking includeWe would all love to be happy, but very few people take active measures to seek their own happiness. What if the effect of your happiness on your career could be measured? Well, you might be surprised to know that researchers have found a link between employees happiness and productivity. When youre happier, youre more productive. Even something as simple as faking a smile can trick your brain into being happier and, as a result, positively impact your productivity.When it comes to achieving career success, we tend to think that the fastest route is to put in more effort while outplaying and outcompeting our peers. Unfortunately, research has established that it doesnt work that way. Instead, you will succeed much faster when you develop a team mindset and make a more concerted effort to play along with your team. Researchers have found that people with more emotional intelligence (i.e. people who connect more and are better team players) are more likely to succeed than their peers with higher IQ or experience.John Stevens is the CEO of Hosting Facts . He is a regular contributor to top publications including Business Insider, Adweek, web Retailer and Entrepreneur.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Epistolary Novel Definition in Creative Writing
Epistolary Novel Definition in Creative WritingEpistolary Novel Definition in Creative WritingDefinition Strictly speaking, an epistolary novel is a novel whose story is told through a series of letters. Bents Readers Encyclopedia explains that the form was first popularized by the 18th century novels Pamela and Clarissa Harlowe by Samuel Richardson. Some definitions of the form stretch to include diary entries and other documents. In a novel otherwise told in third person, letters allow the reader to hear the characters voices more intimately. They also give an impression of immediacy and authenticity. Unlike works of the 18th century, contemporary novels rarely rely solely on letters to tell a story. Examples Although A.S. Byatts Possession is not an entirely epistolary novel, much of the story is told through letters.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Reasons Why Youre Not Getting a Second Interview
Reasons Why Youre elendlage Getting a Second InterviewReasons Why Youre Not Getting a Second InterviewJob searching is full of frustrations, but perhaps none is more annoying than consistently getting stuck at the same point in the einstellungsgesprch process. Whether youre having trouble getting the hiring managers attention in the first place, or difficulty closing the deal and getting the offer, its tough to fall short of your goal. It can be even more challenging when you dont get selected for a second interview, even though you thought you did well the first time around. The good news is that when your job search derails at the same point each time, theres a good chance that theres something you can do to get a better result. If youre willing to do a little self-reflection, you might be able to figure out what youre doing wrong and try something else instead. Reasons You Arent Getting a Second Interview (That Arent Related to You) But before considering your possible misstep s, its important to bedrngnise that there are plenty of reasons why you might not get a second interview that have nothing to do with you. If youre just starting a job search process, and youve had one or two first interviews that didnt lead to follow-ups, dont assume that the problem is you. The Employers Needs Might Have Changed Companies make changes all the time. They cut their budgets. They reallocate dollars to different roles. They move positions to other teams and teams to other locations. Sometimes, these changes happen in the middle of your interview process. Typically, in this case, the hiring manager or HR representative will apologetically inform you that their needs have changed. While that might sound like, Its not you, its me, sometimes its the truth. You cant land a job that doesnt exist anymore. Maybe You Werent a Good Cultural Fit Culture fit matters almost as much as skill set when it comes to hiring. The most talented worker in the world wont be as productive in an environment that doesnt work for them. A recruiter once described this as, trying to write with your non-dominant hand. If youre a people person and love working with teams, up-close and in-person, then working remotely wont be a good experience for you. If youre an introvert who prefers working alone, a gigantic open office full of perks and parties will feel like setting up shop in the middle of Grand Central Station. Theres nothing wrong with you if the hiring manager divines that youre not going to be happy working there. They might have done you a huge favor by letting you move on to a place where youll be more comfortable and successful. The Hiring Manager Might Secretly Have Someone Else in Mind This is the cruelest of all, but it does happen sometimes, the hiring manager has been given a mandate to interview outside candidates, but they prefer an internal candidate and know just which one they want. In that case, you could be the most qualified applicant in the world, y et youre not going to get the job. Reasons Why Youre Not Getting a Second Interview (That You Can Control) You blew the first interview. You called the hiring manager by the wrong name. You didnt know much about the company, and it showed. You couldnt explain why you wanted the job, or provide answers to other standard interview questions. You were late or otherwise rude. There are plenty of ways to blow an interview, and while you can make up for some of them in your follow-up, sometimes you just cant recover. When that happens, learn from your mistakes and do better next time. And dont beat yourself up bad interviews happen to everyone. You didnt tell the right story. Before you set foot in corporate headquarters, you should prepare your elevator pitch and a few short, engaging stories about how your skills and qualifications match their requirements. (Reviewing the ad and job description can be a big help.) That doesnt mean that you should go into the interview waiting for a chance to deliver your monologue. It just means that you should be ready to share your accomplishments in a way that will resonate with the hiring team. Humans love stories. If you can tell a good one, youll have an advantage over the competition. Its important to make koranvers that when youre crafting your stories, you focus on the right thing. For example, your leadership skills may be impressive, but they could work against you if the company isnt looking for managers, or people theyre afraid would leave for a management job. Pay attention to their specifications in the job listing, and highlight your relevant experience. You didnt send a thank-you note. Thank-you notes have been part of the job-search process probably since the invention of writing, but dont make the mistake of thinking theyre a thing of the past. In a 2017 survey from TopResume, 68% of hiring managers and recruiters said receiving a thank-you note influenced their decision about whether to hire a candidate. S end a thank-you notehandwritten or via emailwithin 24 hours of your interview. Make sure to emphasize your skills and fit for the job, and to express your gratitude for the interview. Proofread your note and double-check spellings of personal names and company names. You didnt follow directions. At all points during the interview process, its important to follow directions. Send the requested materials, (e.g., resume, cover letter, portfolio, etc.) and use the specified file formats. Once youve interviewed, be sure to follow the hiring managers lead when following up. For example, if they say theyre interviewing candidates over the next two weeks, send your thank-you note immediately but wait to conduct further follow up until after their process is likely completed. You were too persistent. Following up after a job interview is tricky. You need to express your thanks and interest in the job, but you dont want to look like youre stalking the hiring manager. If youve sent a thank-you note and a follow-up email, and you havent heard back, it may be best to let it go. No one wants to work with someone who never lets anything go. Your social media is too revealing. According to a CareerBuilder survey, 57% of employers have decided not to hire a candidate based on something they found online. If your social media contains material that employers might find objectionable think anything from bikini photos to party pictures to political opinions you might be hurting yourself in the job search. Best practice is to lock down your profiles so that only work-appropriate material is visible to hiring managers. But dont delete your accounts. Forty-seven percent of employers in that survey also said that theyd be unlikely to hire a candidate they couldnt find online. One of your references isnt on your side. Do you know what your references are saying about you? If not, its time to find out. First, make sure youre asking for references from people who are familiar with you r work and who will definitely have favorable things to say about you. Always ask potential references if theyre willing and able to attest to your good qualities before you pass along their information, and review the job details with them so that theyll know what the hiring manager wants to hear. If youre still not sure what kind of picture your references are painting for potential employers, you can always try asking hiring managers why theyre passing on your candidacy. Keep it vague and respectful dont demand a detailed explanation and dont put words in their mouths. But do feel free to ask if they had any particular reason for passing. Frame it as a request for feedback (i.e.,Im always trying to improve. If possible, Id love to hear any feedback about my candidacy or the interview process). Then, thank them for their time regardless, and move on.
Friday, December 13, 2019
5 Hard Lessons All Young Professionals Must Learn
5 Hard Lessons All Young Professionals Must Learn 5 Hard Lessons All Young Professionals Must Learn Every new job brings a variety of surprises and lessons to learn. Even if youre working in a similar role but at a different company, there will be a learning curve that comes with the move. For young professionals entering the workforce for the first time, that learning curve is much, much steeper.Adapting to the business world is not only challenging, but also necessary to be successful after graduation. This article is for you, young professionals. In your first year in the business world, you will learn a lot more than merely what your job title says you do. Although you can never fully prepare yourself for these situations, here are five hard lessons you will learn at your first job, along with explanations on how to deal with them1. Accept Criticism With GraceThis lesson is particularly difficult because a lot of people can become defensive when faced with criticism, especially young professionals who are trying to make their way in a new career or company. If you arent willing to accept criticism gracefully, you can really get off on a wrong foot.Instead of getting upset, take the criticism.Before responding, repeat it to yourself internally. Recognize that thefeedback is related to your work, not to your character. No employer wants to bring someone on only to let them fail. At the end of the day, your goal should align with the companys vision. The only way to find out if you might be running in the wrong direction is through feedback both positive and negative.2. Own Both Your Failures and Your SuccessesYou dont want to be a braggart, but if you have done something noteworthy and you think your boss isnt aware of it, mention it. For example, if you discovered an error that was going to cause problems and you resolved it, give them a heads up. This lets your boss know that you add value to the company.The flip side to this is that you should also own up to your mistakes. You dont want your boss to find outthat youdid something wrong, knew about, and tried to hide it. Its easier to fix a problem as soon as it happens than it is to fix it after its been allowed to fester.3. Know How and When to Ask for DirectionsYour first job out of college will be avery different experience fromyour time in school. Theres no outline that lists all your duties, deadlines, grades, or how youll be scored.The upside to thisis that theres more leeway to make your own path in the post-graduate world. If you dont understand the nuts and bolts of a project but understand the overall concept, you can take it and make it your own. Most employers arent going to require you to execute the project in the exact same ways as everyone does else as long as you reach your projects goals. Dont knock on your bosss door for every answer that could easily be found on Google.On the other hand, if you feel like youre floundering and have lost sight of the end goal, its a good idea to ask for help.4. Adapt to Your Companys CultureForget what youve seen in movies or TV shows that depict life in an bro the real thing is almost always very different. Every company has a unique culture made up of both whats in the employee handbook and the unwritten rules people learn from their peers. The company may have an explicit dress code or specific hours when everyone has to be at work, but you will really learn about the workplace and what others expect of you by stepping back and observing everyone else.On the same note, dont assume that if the dress code says casual dress is fine you can stumble into the office wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. Even if youre not technically breaking the rules, youll stand out if your entire team wears slacks and a polo every day.5. Know Where to Draw the Line Between Your Work Life and Personal LifeIve seen many young professionals give way too much of themselves personally at work. You can be friends with your coworkers, but your office is not your fraternity or sorority house. Its not the place to bring your breakup drama or your drinking stories from the previous weekend.You also need to know when to disconnect from work. So many of us live in an environment where were always connected. If you find yourself constantly checking emails when youre not in the office, step back and assess if this is your companys culture and expectation or if this is your habit of always having your phone in hand.In my experience, the hard lessons mentioned above are by far the most common challenges that Ive seen young professionals face. Take note of each, and youll be well on your way to a successful professional careerMeghann Isgan is an HR consultant working at One Click.
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Another Word for Resume
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Another Word for Resume As youre at it, have a look at their yearly report for more clues. Its also important to think about the sort of work you genuinely wish to be hired to do. Many people believe theyre the identical thing or mix them up. Make certain you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about All you need to do is discover one you like, click on it, and get started writing. All you need to do is simply edit the document to include your own personal info. Usually theres interesting information which you wouldnt find on a resume and it is going to often tell me more regarding the applicant. There is an entire site that you have for use. Hence, you should be conscious of the ways of collecting data for bringing about a solution. Finding solution isnt 1 man show. For bringing about solutions its mandatory to collect information about the problem. There may be a number of solutions to the issue, then youve got to evaluate which one is best suited. Youre able to use closely-related synonyms, but its best to simply use the exact same adjectives and keyexakts. Additionally, the word is frequently used in a means thats redundant. Power words are used for many explanations. Use the resume words below to demonstrate that with a small zest. Simple doesnt need to mean uninspired and boring. Use confident to demonstrate you know who you are as an individual and that you are able to carry any tasks without being afraid or hesitating. Microsoft Word resume templates are the most regularly used tool in the work hunting. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for numerous factors.Making a list of them is going to make your work simpler. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the considerable cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. Talk about the types of teams you worked on, and the way you succeeded. Resume keywords showcase your precise skills. For instance, it may be joesmithresume or bettyjeansonlineresume. Theres no specific length for a resume, and theres no standard to it. Also, make sure the bullet points are formatted the same manner throughout. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Because of the use of the 2 columns, all entries are scannable and extremely very clear. The one issue with resume template Microsoft Word might be that it is tough to edit. Then, select an expert format. In reality, the chronological resume template has become the most traditional resume format. If you would like to more advance in your selected career path, by becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) for instance, you can finish a massive portion of the essential education online. Thinking from the box is the most important core of creativity. Two even columns for the rest of the page give you a lot of room to woo the company by means of your experie nce, skills, and education. Our professional resume designs will allow you to land interviews. When you have added your details and work experience, its possible to also save your resume as PDF if you desire. In the about page youre able to write an overview of what you are, your abilities and the way they can apply in the job youre seeking and so on. Dont use the exact CV for each job that you apply for.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Idiots Guide to Personal Assistant Resume Revealed
The Idiots Guide to Personal Assistant Resume Revealed The discipline of personal assistants and secretarial positions are rather competitive so it is essential that you provide all qualifications which are linked to the position accessible, all types of education whether its an associate degree or a bachelors, and all several kinds of earlier work experience in the area. Below you will discover the top skills needed to fulfill an administrative position. Irrespective of yur employment preference, you will need to prepare a strong resume to find the job that you desire. Fitness and individual trainers require certification for a minimum, and lots of them have bachelors degrees in fitness-related fields, even though a degree isnt a firm requirement. The Death of Personal Assistant Resume Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. The content of your resume have to be relevant to the job which you are applying for. There are just two forms of resumes. Your resume should always fit your personal work history and the demands of the job for which youre applying. When you determine the skills you need to concentrate on, do a bit of research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions youre seeking. Resumes are some of the the most critical tools to aid you in finding that occupation. If you wish to get hired as a personal assistant, youre require experience, very good references, and a good, professional resume. If you are thinking about hiring a personal assistant, you ought to know the qualities to seek. A personal assistant enables the manager to work effectively by managing administrative and secretarial duties. As an example, not every personal assistant is prepared to clean out a basement or take your children to school. Heres What I Know About Personal Assistant Resume The Career Objective is intended to provide the hiring manager a reason to carry on reading your resume. To find out more on what it requires to be a Personal Assistant, have a look at our complete Personal Assistant Job Description. The FabJob Guide to Become a Celebrity Personal Assistant contains a number of the very best business advice you might get from different sources, plus a whole lot more. Hiring managers will surely be impressed with somebody who isnt just there to do the recommended duties and not anything more. Celebrity assistants get to go through the lives of the wealthy and famous. Always, your work is to create your managers job simpler and simpler, and that might call for a lot of behind-the-scenes problem-solving. Clearly you should have done a better than average job in their opinion.
Friday, November 29, 2019
The 10 best (and worst) states for unemployment
The 10 best (and worst) states for unemploymentThe 10 best (and worst) states for unemploymentBeing unemployed is hard enough with the stress and the constant waiting around for people to get back to you and also the fear that you will never have an income again. But unemployment can actually be way worse depending on what state, and we dont mean emotional, you live in.GOBankingRates ran a studyto determine which states are the best - and the worst - to be unemployed. The analysis was based primarily on employment growth of the civilian labor force from April 2017 to April 2018 the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed and the maximum amount of weeks of unemployment insurance available by state. Here are the findings.The 10 best states to be unemployed in1) Colorado2) Utah3) Massachusetts4) Idaho5) Tennessee6) Minnesota7) Vermont8) Wisconsin9) Texas10) New HampshireAll of these states made the cut because on average they saw employment grow between 2017 and 2018 by 1.66% . Colorado took the top spotbecause it had the highest growth (3.14%) and tied for the fourth lowest unemployment rate at 2.9%.Massachusetts also ranked high because it offers unemployment insurance for an astoundingly long 30-week period (Colorado offers 26 weeks as does Utah.)As for the worst places to be unemployed The 10 worst states to be unemployed in50) Missouri49) Alaska48) North Carolina47) Kansas46) Florida45) Connecticut44) Pennsylvania43) Arkansas42) Michigan41) GeorgiaAll of these states saw a decline in employment growth. Missouri had the least amount of growth (-0.38% and Alaska was 0.02%) and also only offers unemployment insurance for 13 weeks.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Proofreading Tips for cover letter
Proofreading Tips for cover letterProofreading Tips for cover letterThe smallest error in your cover letter or resume can prevent you from getting selected for your dream job. When there are hundreds of applications for a job, employers too can be very picky. Hence, proofreading becomes an essential part. Here are some proofreading tips you can refer to while writing cover letters or resumes.Proofreading Tips You Need To FollowDo elend trust the spellcheck always. While the spellcheck will show you the obvious errors, it may not show you some of the common mistakes. For example, it cannot tell the difference between Youre and Your.Rather than checking your application just after writing it, take some rest for a little while after writing. Check your application with a fresh mind. It will be easier to spot the mistakes.It is quite difficult to search for all kinds of errors at the same time. So, narrow your editing criteria. Do one proofread for spelling mistakes and another for gramm atical ones. This might take a lot of your time, but it will ensure your application is error-free.There are times when you are not able to identify your own mistakes. That is why, asking a friend for help will be a better option. Your friend might be able to see the mistakes you are not ableRead MoreCover Letter Checklist
Thursday, November 21, 2019
6 New Year Goals for the Job Seeker
6 New Year Goals for the Job Seeker6 New Year Goals for the Job SeekerGet better sleep, join a gym, practice mindfulness, simply have mora fun. As you make resolutions to improve your life, you might also find yourself setting some new year goals around your career, including exploring the employment market. But you cant simply wish your way to a more fulfilling career. You have to work at it.Yes, the market for skilled professionals may be sizzling hot, but that doesnt mean you can jump in cold. To help you find a position that matches your skills, experience and interests in 2019, departure working toward these six job search goals nowGoal 1 Update your resume and LinkedIn profileYou can probably think of a million things youd rather be doing than writing a resume. But youll do yourself a favor if you have an up-to-date document at your fingertips.One mistake people frequently make is to wait to revise their resume until they find a job that interests them. That prevents them from applying for the position right away. And by the time they have an updated version ready to submit, it may be too late. So, dont delay.While youre at it, review your LinkedIn profile and make sure it reflects your most recent professional accomplishments. Your profile is essentially your online resume, and many employers search for candidates on LinkedIn as part of their recruiting efforts. You want your profile to reflect the same information as your traditional resume.Another advantage of having a polished LinkedIn profile? Recruiters often use LinkedIn to help identify passive job seekers. If you maintain a solid online profile, youll increase the likelihood that a recruiter will take a closer look at you.WE CAN HELP YOU FIND YOUR NEXT JOBGoal 2 Strengthen your skill setEven in a candidate-driven job market, you need to do whatever you can to gain an advantage over your fellow job seekers. One way is to learn a new skill or earn a certification. No matter your chosen industry or career, change is happening all around you. Your skill set may need a boost to remain relevant and attractive to employers.Pursuing professional development shows schritte and a commitment to learning, as well as an understanding of what it takes to excel in your field. It also makes it easier for you to answer the question that all hiring managers are likely to ask in one form or another How can you add value to the organization?Possessing certain abilities and credentials can also help you negotiate a higher salary. (Robert Halfs Salary Guides offer insight into how much more employers are willing to pay professionals with in-demand skills and certifications for certain roles.)Goal 3 Look for a job that makes you happyNow is a good time to assess your professional and personal goals and determine exactly what you are looking for in a new job. What would make you happy?A bigger paycheck? A fancier title? The opportunity to work at a top firm in your field? All these things are nice , no doubt. They can probably contribute to your on-the-job happiness, as well. But are they more important to your overall satisfaction than a shorter commute? Or an invigorating organizational culture? Or the fhigkeit to advance quickly?Develop a clear picture in your mind of what would make you happiest and allow you to reach the new year goal youve set of securing a new job. Without a clear idea of what this job looks like, youll have trouble finding the right fit.Goal 4 Audit your online presenceYou can assume all potential employers will review your LinkedIn profile. Some will also look at other channels to see if they can form a more complete picture of you as a candidate. Consider how you present yourself on social media and online forums. You may need to do some digital housecleaning.Make sure all information is current and accurate and presents you in the best possible light. If theres anything you wouldnt want a potential employer to see - photos from a recent vacation o r your unfiltered thoughts about a sports teams poor performance, for example - review your privacy settings.Goal 5 Expand your professional networkIf you expect to find a new role simply by sitting in front of the computer and looking for jobs online, youd better rethink your strategy. In addition to submitting applications through recruiting sites and job boards, you need to work on expanding your professional network - both online and offline. The latter is especially important.Events held by professional organizations, conferences, trade shows and employer-hosted open houses are just some of the places where you can build your professional network. These gatherings provide the opportunity for you to meet people in person - including hiring managers and recruiters - and begin to form strong relationships with contacts who may be able to assist in your search.Goal 6 Be persistent as you pursue your new year goalsDespite the tight labor market, employers still want to be sure a job candidate is a good fit for the position and company culture before extending an offer. Even if youre one of their top candidates, it may take weeks and several rounds of interviews before you hear back about the final decision.But that doesnt mean you should simply wait around until an employer makes up their mind. Stay in contact with the hiring manager. Dont stop networking. Continue to apply for other jobs. Build a relationship with a recruiting professional. After all, nothing is certain until youve signed on the dotted line.As for your other resolutions? Definitely have more fun. Tags
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